maandag 1 oktober 2012

FRIENDZ EVENTZ: Girls just wanna have fun

Hi there, 

I'm glad to tell you, I had a cozy, lazy weekend. Saturday, I was wondering what to do; luckily a friend had the same lazy feelings and we organised an old-skool girls night with another friend. Because girls stay girls: sometimes they need me-time, and a time of zen to toooooootally chill out (preferably with cucumber slices on your eyes) and that's exactly what we did. With 2 bottles of cava; a loooooooot of snackfood (potato chips, cheese, olives, sundried tomatoes,...), lovely tunes in the background and some candlelight we started. We placed masks on our face (I had my favourite: strawberry-chocolate), polished our nails different and then choose for the newspaper nails (I will post the video of a DIY) and played stupid girly games like 'giebelen' (it's a game for 12-year olds but hey; a lil bit of nostalgia with some cava in your tummy is real fun!).
Here some pictures; 



1 opmerking:

  1. Great post !!

    Really love your video such a COOL idea !

    The rest of your pictures are simply lovely ;)

    Hope to see you again girl :)


